"Suspension is the most incredible experience I've had in my life so far. I can't quite put into words the joy and peace that each suspension has brought me. I'm prone to overthinking and getting too in-my-head about things that come up in daily life, but when I'm suspending I feel 100% in my body and it brings me back to living in the present moment. When I'm up in the air, my mind is quiet and a lot of my worries just dissolve. Suspension has also made me realize that fear and anxiety were holding me back quite a bit. Each suspension reminds me my body is capable of a lot more than I think and if I push myself past fear and anxiety, I can do anything I set my mind to. It's also just really fun! It's the closest I'll come to levitating. Something about your feet leaving the ground, feeling weightless, and knowing it's essentially just your body that's letting you do it is pretty magical in itself." - Sam